La Casa De Bernarda Alba English Summary

La casa de bernarda alba english summary – Delving into the depths of Federico García Lorca’s masterpiece, “La Casa de Bernarda Alba,” this exploration unveils a compelling narrative that delves into the complexities of repression, desire, and the suffocating grip of tradition in rural Spain. As we journey through the isolated village and the confines of the Bernarda Alba household, we witness a profound examination of human nature and the consequences of denying one’s true self.

This literary masterpiece offers a profound exploration of the play’s setting, characters, themes, symbolism, structure, and historical context. Through a comprehensive analysis of these elements, we gain a deeper understanding of the play’s enduring significance and its relevance to contemporary society.

Setting and Atmosphere

The play’s setting in a secluded village in rural Spain highlights the isolation and oppression faced by the characters. The oppressive heat and isolated environment create a stifling atmosphere that contributes to the characters’ frustrations and desires.

The Bernarda Alba Household

The Bernarda Alba household is a physical and symbolic representation of the oppressive environment. The house is described as having “thick walls” and “barred windows,” which symbolize the strict control and confinement imposed by Bernarda. The whitewashed walls represent the purity and order that Bernarda demands, while the dark interior represents the hidden desires and tensions within the household.


Bernarda Alba

Bernarda Alba is the domineering matriarch of the household. She is a tyrannical figure who enforces strict rules and punishes any deviation from her expectations. Her desire for control and her fear of societal judgment drive her oppressive behavior.

The Five Daughters

  • Angustias: The eldest daughter, Angustias is set to inherit the family fortune and is engaged to Pepe el Romano. Her wealth and status make her the object of desire for others, but she is trapped by her mother’s expectations.

  • Magdalena: The second daughter, Magdalena is a passionate and rebellious spirit. She is in love with Pepe el Romano but is forbidden from pursuing him due to her mother’s rules.
  • Amelia: The third daughter, Amelia is a gentle and kind-hearted woman. She is torn between her desire for love and her loyalty to her family.
  • Martirio: The fourth daughter, Martirio is a bitter and envious woman. She is resentful of her sisters’ beauty and happiness and takes pleasure in their suffering.
  • Adela: The youngest daughter, Adela is a naive and innocent girl. She is unaware of the oppressive environment around her and dreams of a life beyond the confines of her mother’s house.



The play explores the consequences of suppressing human nature and individuality. Bernarda Alba’s oppressive rules and expectations stifle the desires and aspirations of her daughters, leading to frustration, rebellion, and tragedy.


The play also explores the longing for freedom and the struggle against oppression. The daughters’ desire for love, independence, and self-expression is constantly thwarted by Bernarda’s tyranny, highlighting the complexities of breaking free from societal constraints.


Desire is a central theme in the play. The daughters’ forbidden desires for Pepe el Romano and their dreams of a life beyond their mother’s control drive the plot and reveal the destructive consequences of unfulfilled longing.


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The House

The Bernarda Alba household is a symbol of the oppressive environment in which the characters live. The thick walls and barred windows represent the strict rules and confinement imposed by Bernarda.

The Fan

The fan is a symbol of the stifling atmosphere and the characters’ repressed desires. The daughters use the fan to cool themselves down but also to express their frustration and longing.

The River, La casa de bernarda alba english summary

The river is a symbol of freedom and escape. The daughters dream of escaping to the river to swim and be free from their mother’s control.

The White Horse

The white horse is a symbol of Pepe el Romano. The horse’s beauty and freedom represent the forbidden desires of the daughters.

Structure and Language

La casa de bernarda alba english summary

The play is divided into three acts, which follow the rising action, climax, and falling action of the plot. The use of flashbacks allows the audience to understand the characters’ motivations and relationships.

The language used in the play is poetic and lyrical, with a focus on imagery and metaphor. The use of dialogue and monologue reveals character and advances the plot.

Historical and Cultural Context: La Casa De Bernarda Alba English Summary

La casa de bernarda alba english summary

The play was written in 1936, during the Spanish Civil War. It reflects the social and political realities of Spain at the time, including the oppressive regime of General Francisco Franco.

The play’s exploration of gender roles and societal expectations has had a significant influence on Spanish theater and contemporary playwrights.

FAQ Summary

What is the significance of the house in “La Casa de Bernarda Alba”?

The house serves as a powerful symbol of Bernarda’s oppressive rule and the stifling atmosphere that permeates the play. It is a physical manifestation of the isolation and confinement experienced by the women.

How does the play explore the role of gender and societal expectations?

Lorca delves deeply into the restrictive gender roles and societal expectations that shape the lives of the women in the play. Bernarda’s tyrannical rule and the strict mourning rituals highlight the patriarchal society’s suppression of female desire and individuality.

What is the significance of the white horse in the play?

The white horse represents freedom, passion, and the untamed spirit that yearns to break free from the confines of Bernarda’s household. Its presence symbolizes the women’s longing for a life beyond the walls of the house.

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